Thursday, February 10, 2011

[Week 6] Some Pre-design Thoughts

This week's assignment requires us to design a Micro-Calendar that displays our daily schedules in a small space.

Since it is a small space we are talking about, we need take into account that not too many features can be packed inside.

Traditional calendar apps in the iPhone as well as Google Calendar follows a fixed structure that is widely accepted - displaying a simple calendar that fills up with events that the user inputs.

They also have one thing in common - colour coding. As mentioned in the lectures, colour may not necessarily be the best way to categorise information, as it excludes people with varying degrees of colour-blindedness.

My idea of the MicroCal will be something that follows the traditional calendar display, but with icons to represent different categories of events for the day. The design should be kept as simple as possible to avoid looking cluttered.

Examples of icons we can use:


More discussion will be done and stay tuned for our final design of the MicroCal!

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